Saturday 21 March 2015

Writing, writing, more writing

Since I last blogged, a few things happened. I created another blog on wordpress:

Unlike this blog, where I talk about every random stuff, opine on things, that blog is more inclined towards my upcoming writing projects. I have declared, pretty boldly on the wordpress blog, that I am going to finish my first novel by the end of this year.

Whether I actually finish or not, it is a good impetus to start. I have been meaning to start my novel for sometime now, I have started stuff, but then got lost.

I have also started to write on I was approached by a friend for the job. On the job, I have to search a lot of stuff on the internet. I am learning about different Hindu temples (the major topic on which I am writing currently). Also, I learnt about plagiarism checker tools. Good use  of idle time! Just that my eyes are perpetually strained these days!