Sunday, 22 February 2015

The Beautiful Enchantress Called Success

Which is that delicious fruit that we all want to taste badly but which doesn’t really grow on trees?
Which is that one thing that adds meaning to all our endeavors and outlines it with a smile?

Yes, well, the title of this post clearly told you all what I am talking about. Yes! Success! Say the word out loud. Don’t you feel better already?
From the little kid who holds the first medal in his school sports day, stands on the dais and hears the crowd clapping, to the professional cricket players  holding the cricket world cup (#WC2015, the cricket fever is back!) – success probably tastes the same to all. And no matter how old it is, no matter how many times it has been repeated, one never grows tired of it (or does he?). Coming to think of it, would it be a bad idea to compare success to a bottle of vintage wine? Probably, not much.

Success comes to us in many forms – winning the first tournament for your college, or the first crush who finally becomes the boyfriend or girlfriend, or getting the first book published, or, like in my case, getting a new job you had no hope of getting.

I knew this little kid who used to underestimate herself, who always thought others were better than her. She always stood first in her class in academics, but nonetheless, she never stopped under-estimating herself.

That girl is writing this article today, fresh from her successful attempt at getting placed at a leading analytics firm. Success for her isn’t about bagging the high-paid job which is probably the aim of every fresher out of an engineering college. It’s more about a self-exploration for her. She did not believe that she would get past even the first round. But luck had other things in store.

Paulo Coelho wrote correctly, when you really want something, the whole universe conspires to help you get that thing. He was even more correct when he placed more importance on beginner’s luck.

Success isn’t probably about proving to the world what you are capable of (though, I don’t deny it changes people’s ideas about you by leaps and bounds. Suddenly you are not that mediocre creature anymore at whom no one stared back). It is more about realizing the strength that already was within you, waiting to be exposed. For those who are under-confident, it is more like starting to believe in themselves, to finally take the toddler steps to self-confidence. They don’t need others to pat their back. They are happy to have proved themselves wrong.

The beauty of success isn’t in the outcome of the event alone. It is in the fact that it acts as an inspiration to many more endeavors to be taken in future.

Dear Success, please visit us often, and let us have a taste of your divine texture! Amen!

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